What is Puro?
For centuries, pen and paper have been used as a tool for learning. Could they be updated for this millennium using Puro?

Puro.education is a new kind of digital learning environment designed by two teachers (Karim Galenius and Ville Tuovinen). Puro has been designed with a focus on key aspects of learning, such as a user experience designed for learning, accessibility, ease of use and high-quality content in line with the curriculum.
At the Puro, everything is easy. With just a few clicks, you can get to the exercise you want to do. Child can do the tasks without adult support. Because the app is easy to use, you can spend all your time learning the important things. The app helps one to read, write and count. Skills are developed in maths, drawing and science.
The user of the Puro can draw and write on the touchscreen. You can use a touchscreen pen to draw, but you can also draw with your finger. The Puro has motor exercises related to handwriting. Drawing and colouring are the main classroom activities and exercises. There is an endless supply of them in the Puro.
The exercises are designed for school subjects such as mathematics. They are in line with the curriculum and are designed by teachers. They are pedagogically designed with high standards of quality. Puro has a large number of open learning materials and the number of open learning materials in Puro is constantly increasing.